To engage communities in national, regional and international dialogue on the day to day challenges and crises related to human resources depreciation and linking these communities to private, government and civic society with a few to improving their conditions of life.
Develop a wave of successful intervention in victim communities through linking people to economic, agro-biodiversity, environment,climate change and related social management programs which improve the human condition of the underprivileged in the society.
To foster value chain and value addition success outcomes meant to develop marginal communities.
to improve the welfare of orphans and vulnerable children.
to improve the welfare of a girl child by addressing the challenges she is facing.
to reduce HIV prevalence from 13% to 5% by 2030
to fight human trafficing in Zimbabwe and Africa as a whole
to make cities free from adults and children living and working on the streets by 2035
to change behaviour of sex workers through various projects
to create employment for the youth
to assist women to participate in all sectors of the economy.